“Writing without revising is the literary equivalent of waltzing gaily out of the house in your underwear.”

— Patricia Fuller

Deft Prose Editing is where your fingers and phrases have friends. Whether your project is a short biography or a full-length novel, it should shine. What you'll get from Deft Prose is auto detailing ... for words.

Words are just the beginning, however. Writing is an art, or perhaps it is alchemy — a magical repeated rearranging of the alphabet into the ordered beauty of words, sentences, paragraphs. Well-written language can inspire, conspire, set on fire.

Good editing means good spelling and grammar; it also means understanding the intended reader while maintaining the intent of the author. It means paying attention to what's said as well as what isn't. It's a balancing act that produces clarity in every sentence, paragraph, and page. It's also about knowing when enough has been said. 



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